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Nishita D’Souza, Alexis M. Porter, Joan B. Rose, Erin Dreelin, Susan E. Peters, Penny J. Nowlin, Samantha Carbonell, Kyle Cissell, Yili Wang, Matthew T. Flood, Andri T. Rachmadi, Chuanwu Xi, Peter Song, Shannon Briggs. 2024. Public Health Use and Lessons Learned from a Statewide SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Monitoring Program (MiNET). Heliyon. 2405-8440. PDF

Porter AM, Hart JJ, Rediske RR, Szlag DC. 2024. SARS-CoV-2 wastewater surveillance at two university campuses: lessons learned and insights on intervention strategies for public health guidance. Journal of Water and Health. 22(5):811-824. PDF

Di Paolo C., Bramke I., Stauber J., Whalley C., Otter R.R., Verhaegen Y., Ryan A. 2024. Implementation of the CREED approach for environmental risk assessments. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. IN PRESS PDF


Kerr S., Otter R.R. 2024. Diet effects egg laying, biomass, and stable isotope values in tetragnathid spiders: Use of a novel laboratory technique. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 112(3):47. PDF


Otter R.R., Mills M.A., Fritz K.M., Lazorchak J.M., White D.P., Beaubien G.B., Walters D.M. 2024. PCB concentrations in riparian spiders (Tetragnathidae) consistently reflect concentrations in water and aquatic macroinvertebrates, but not sediment: Analysis of a seven-year field study. Science of the Total Environment. 912:169230. PDF


Hart J.J., Jamison M.N., Porter A.M., McNair J.N., Szlag D.C., Rediske R.R. 2023. Fecal Impairment Framework, A New Conceptual Framework for Assessing Fecal Contamination in Recreational Waters. Environmental Management.


Olson C.I., Beaubien G.B., Otter R.R., Walters D.M., Mills M.A. 2023. Ecotoxicological studies indicate that sublethal and lethal processes limit insect-mediated contaminant flux. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 42(9):1982-1992. PDF


Beaubien G.B., White D., Walters D.M., Otter R.R., Fritz K., Crone B., Mills M.A. 2023. Riparian spiders: Sentinels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofuran contaminated sediment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 42(2):414-420. PDF


McNair J.N., Lane M.J., Hart J.J., Porter A.M., Briggs S., Southwell B., Sivy T., Szlag D.C., Scull B.T., Pike S., Dreelin E., Vernier C., Carter B., Sharp J., Nowlin P., Rediske R.R. 2022. Validity Assessment of Michigan’s Proposed qPCR Threshold Value for Rapid Water-Quality Monitoring of E. coli Contamination. Water Research. doi:


Chumchal M., Beaubien G.B., Drenner R., Hannappel M., Mills M.A., Olson C.I., Otter R.R., Todd A., Walters D.M. 2022. Use of riparian spiders as sentinels of persistent and bioavailable chemical contaminants in aquatic ecosystems: A review. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 41(3):499-514. PDF


Embry M., Belanger S.E., Connors K.A., Otter R.R. 2021. Comment on Plugge et al., 2021 “Towards a universal acute fish Threshold of Toxicological Concern”. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 40(9):2379-2381. PDF


Belanger S.E., Beasley A., Brill J.L., Krailler J., Connors K.A., Carr G.J., Embry M., Barron M.G., Otter R.R., Kienzler A. 2021. Comparison of PNEC derivation logic flows under example regulatory schemes and implications for ecoTTC. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. 123:104933. PDF


Barron M.G., Otter R.R., Connors K.A., Kienzler A., Embry M.R. 2021. Ecological Thresholds of Toxicological Concern: History Development, and Application. Frontiers in Toxicology. 3:640183. DOI: 10.3389/ftox.2021.640193. PDF


Lane M.J., Rediske R., McNair J.N., Briggs S., Rhodes G., Dreelin E., Sivy T., Flood M., Scull B.T., Szlag D. Southwell B. 2020. A comparison of E. coli concentration estimates quantified by the EPA and a Michigan laboratory network using EPA Draft Method C. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 179:106086.


Otter R.R., Beaubien G.B., Olson C.I., Walters D.M., Mills M.A. (2020) Practical considerations for the incorporation of insect-mediated contaminant flux into ecological risk assessments. In Contaminants and Ecological Subsides at the Land-Water Interface. Ed. Kraus J.M., Walters D.M., Mills M.A. Springer, Cham. pp 179-195. PDF


Beaubien G.B., Olson C.I., Todd A. Otter R.R. 2020. The spider exposure pathway and the potential risk to arachnivorous birds. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 39(11):2314-2324. PDF


Sivaganesan,M., Aw T.G., Briggs S., Dreelin E., Aslan A., Dorevitch S., Shrestha A., Isaacs N., Kinzelman J., Kleinheinz G., Noble R., Rediske R., Scull B.T., Rosenberg S., Weberman B., Sivy T., Southwell B., Siefring S., Oshima K., Haugland R. 2019. Standardized data quality acceptance criteria for a rapid Escherichia coli qPCR method (draft method C) for water quality monitoring at recreational beaches. Water Research. 156:456-464.


Olson C.I., Beaubien G.B., Sims J.L. Otter R.R. 2019. Mercury accumulation in millipedes (Narceus spp.) living adjacent to a southern Appalachian Mountain stream (USA). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 103(4):528-532. PDF


Beaubien G.B., Olson C.I., Otter R.R. 2019. The role of sexual dimorphism and tissue selection in ecotoxicological studies using the riparian spider Tetragnatha elongate. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 103:225-232. PDF


Connors K., Beasley A., Baron M., Belanger S., Bonnell M., Brill J., de Zwart D., Kienzler A., Krailler J., Otter R.R., Phillips J., Embry M. 2019. Creation of a curated aquatic toxicology database: EnviroTox. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 38(5):1062-1073. PDF


Olson C.I., Beaubien G.B., McKinney A.D., Otter R.R. 2019. Identifying contaminants of potential concern in remote headwater streams of Tennessee’s Appalachian Mountains. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 191:176. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-019-7305-7. PDF


Smith-Peavler E., Gardner G., Otter R.R. 2019. PowerPoint use in the Undergraduate Biology Classroom: Perceptions and Impacts on Student Learning. Journal of College Science Teaching. 48(3):48-57. PDF


Aw T., Sivaganesan M., Briggs S., Dreelin E., Aslan A., Dorevitch S., Shrestha A., Isaacs N., Kinzelman J., Kleinheinz G., Noble R., Rediske R., Scull B.T., Rosenberg S., Weberman B., Sivy T., Southwell B., Siefring S., Oshima K., Haugland R. 2019. Evaluation of multiple laboratory performance and variability in analysis of recreational freshwaters by a rapid E. coli qPCR method (Draft Method C). Water Research.156:465-474.


Walters D.M., Otter R.R., Kraus J.M., Mills M.A. 2018. Riparian spiders yield insight on the extent and sources of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contamination at the Ashtabula River Area of Concern (AOC), USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 37(9):2467-2474. PDF


Xie L., Rediske R.R., Gillett N.D., O’Keefe J.P., Scull B.T., Xue Q. 2016. The impact of environmental parameters on microcystin production in dialysis bag experiments. Scientific Reports. 6(1):38722.


Stallard M.A., Otter R.R., Winesett S., Barbero M., Bruce M., Layton A., Bailey F.C. 2016. A watershed analysis of seasonal concentration- and loading-based results from Escherichia coli in inland waters. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 97(6):838-842. PDF


Otter R.R., *Bachner B., Weatherly J., Gilson S. Brown H., DiVincenzo J.P. 2016. Fly ash amended pervious concrete: A laboratory study on removal potential for inorganic contaminants. International Journal of Environmental Engineering 8(1):12-29. PDF


Cusaac P.J., Plant V.K., Wright R., Henry C., Otter R.R., Bailey F.C. 2016. Effects of maternally-transferred methylmercury on stress physiology in northern water snake (Nerodia sipedon) neonates. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 96(6):725-731. PDF


Otter R.R., McKinney D., Brown B., Lainer S., Monroe W., Hubbs D., Read B. 2015. Bioaccumulations of metals in three freshwater mussel species exposed in situ during and after dredging at a coal ash spill site (Tennessee Valley Authority – Kingston Fossil Plant. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 187:334. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-015-4578-3. PDF


Beasley A., Brill J.B., Belanger S.E., Otter R.R. 2015. Evaluation and comparison of the relationship between NOEC and EC10/EC20 values in chronic Daphnia toxicity testing.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34(10):2378-2384. PDF


Beasley A., Belanger S.E., Otter R.R. 2015. Stepwise Information-Filtering Tool (SIFT):  A method for using risk assessment data in a novel way. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34(6):1436-1442. PDF


Beasley A., Graham C., Otter R.R., Elrod-Erickson M. 2014. A molecular method for assessing the effects of potential contaminants on the rate of zebrafish (Danio rerio) development. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(1):238-242. PDF


Otter R.R., Seipel S., Graeff T., Alexander B., Boraiko C., Gray J., Petersen K., Sadler K. 2013. Comparing student and faculty perceptions of online and traditional courses.  Internet and Higher Education 19:27-35. PDF


Otter R.R., Hayden M., Mathews T., Fortner A., Bailey F.C. 2013. The use of tetragnathid spiders as bioindicators of metal exposure at a coal ash spill site. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32(9):2065-2068. PDF


Keasling A.W., Otter R.R., Bailey F.C. 2013. Phytotoxicity of Passiflora incarnate extracts on germination and growth of Hordeum vulgare and Raphanus sativus. Allelopathy Journal 31(2):319-332.


Otter R.R., Schreiber E.A., van den Hurk P., Klaine S.J. 2012. Assessment of heavy metal and PAH exposure in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) in the Reedy River watershed, South Carolina, USA: A multi-season assessment of metallothionein and bile fluorescence. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31(12):2763-2770. PDF


Otter R.R., Bailey F.C., Fortner A.M., Adams S.M. 2012. Trophic structure and metal bioaccumulation differences in multiple fish species exposed to coal ash-associated metals. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 85:30-36. PDF


Beasley A., Elrod-Erickson M., Otter R.R. 2012. Consistency of morphological endpoints used to access developmental timing in zebrafish (Danio rerio) across a temperature gradient. Reproductive Toxicology 34:561-567. PDF


Otter R.R., Meier J., Kubach K.M., Lazorchak J.M., Klaine S.J. 2012. The effects of urbanization on Lepomis macrochirus using the comet assay. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 84:299-303. PDF


Bowman C., Bailey F.C., Elrod-Erickson M., Neigh A., Otter R.R. 2012. The effects of silver nanoparticles on zebrafish (Danio rerio) and Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922): A comparison of toxicity based on total surface area versus mass concentration of particles in a model eukaryotic and prokaryotic system. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31(12):1-8. PDF


Roberts A.P., Otter R.R. (2010) Ecological toxicology of engineered carbon nanoparticles. In Carbon Nanoparticles. Ed. Geckeler K.E., Nishide H. Wiley-VCH. pp 595-610.


Drevnick P.E., Otter R.R., Gorski P.R., Long D.T., Canfield D.E., Oris, J.T. 2009. Lake-specific responses in sedimentary sulfur after copper sulfate additions to Michigan lakes. Lake and Reservoirs: Research and Management. 14:193-201. PDF


MacDonald N.W., Rediske R.R., Scull B.T., Wierzbicki D. 2008. Landfill cover soil, soil solution, and vegetation responses to municipal landfill leachate applications. Journal of environmental quality. 37(5):1974-1985.


Walters D.M., Fritz K.M., Otter R.R. 2008. The dark side of subsidies: quantifying contaminant exposure to riparian predators via stream insects. Ecological Applications 18(8):1835-1841. PDF


Drevnick P.E., Roberts A.P., Otter R.R., Hammerschmidt C.R., Klaper R., Oris J.T. 2008. Mercury toxicity in liver of northern pike from Isle Royale National Park. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology and Pharmacology 147:331-338. PDF


MacDonald N.W., Scull B.T., Abella S.R. 2007. Mid-spring burning reduces spotted knapweed and increases native grasses during a Michigan experimental grassland establishment. Restoration Ecology 15(1):118-128.


Drevnick P.E., Canfield D.E., Gorski P.R., Shinneman A.L.C., Engstrom D.R., Muir D.C.G., Smith G.R., Garrison P.J., Cleckner L.B., Hurley J.P., Noble R.B., Otter R.R., Oris J.T. 2007. Deposition and cycling of sulfur controls mercury accumulation in Isle Royale fish Environmental Science & Technology 41:7266-7272. PDF


Schreiber E.A., Otter R.R.; van den Hurk P.  2006. A biomarker approach to measure biological effects of contaminant exposure in largemouth bass from Lake Conestee, SC, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 25:1926-1932. PDF

Otter Lab

Annis Water Resources Institute

Grand Valley State University

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